Hanna Lucatelli

Exhibited in Brazil, Japan & United Kingdom

Hanna Lucatelli is the story of a young woman who spent her childhood between the suburbs of Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo where she first connected with the urban movements of graffiti and tags. Enriched by her background in fashion design and inspired by her young motherhood, Hanna explored a different artistic path to apply her fine brush for delivering delicate and heartening messages on both canvases and walls.

Through her compositions, Hanna seeks to awaken the sacred femininity existing within us – depicting a powerful perspective of the female figure in contrast with the environment still too often hostile to those wishing to live and express freely their feminine energy. All born from her creative mind, the women adorning canvases and cities’ walls contribute to promoting a greater autonomy within the society – supported by texts and phrases of love, bravery, pride and freedom. Hanna Lucatelli masters her universe by playing with strong expressions within a soft and poetic environment – offering to her audience of moment to pause, breathe and reconnect with their deeper self. A necessary process to guide the society toward more open-mindedness and caring. Her murals bring humanity in large cities where the excess of information and the lack of time tend to favorize individualities rather than the sensation of belonging to one common community.


Street Art
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