About us

Our Journey

Our adventure started in Latin America in 2022 – stunned by the richness of talents encountered while traveling across Brazil and Mexico. Wandering in the streets of Sao Paulo and Recife, roaming over Mexico City, rambling along the seaside of Yucatan – it became clear we had to contribute to supporting the international reach of Latin America’s broad artistic pallet.
NAGA Creativo directly donates 10% of its earnings to a local social action chosen by the artist – aligned with the belief that art has the human dimension and financial power to contribute to social matters.
In the longer-run, the agency aims to fund the development of a cultural & artistic education program dedicated to schools in South America – the ambition being to implement it in private schools for generating the funds to establish it in public ones.
A way to redress the balance between social classes regarding their respective access to artistic and cultural education – an essential condition for future generations to climb the social ladder and build together a more opened, creative, and egalitarian society.
We choose our artists carefully according to the following principles:
The uniqueness of their style
Their human & social involvement
Their current reputation and growth potential
Our missions include:
Exhibiting our artists in galleries, salons and museums
Taking part in festivals and residencies
Contributing to businesses' brand identity
Collaborating with cities to embellish their urban environment
Educating through conferences, ateliers and open tables
NAGA Creativo directly donates 10% of its earnings to a local social action chosen by the artist – aligned with the belief that art has the human dimension and financial power to contribute to social matters.
In the longer-run, the agency aims to fund the development of a cultural & artistic education program dedicated to schools in South America – the ambition being to implement it in private schools for generating the funds to establish it in public ones.
A way to redress the balance between social classes regarding their respective access to artistic and cultural education – an essential condition for future generations to climb the social ladder and build together a more opened, creative, and egalitarian society.


Urban, Branding
General Administration
Gary founded NAGA Creativo in 2022 to represent and support artists from Latin America. While living in Brazil, he was fascinated by the diversity of talents from the children painting in the streets to survive to the emerging and renowned artists exhibited in galleries or adorned on the cities’ walls.

Holder of a MSc in Corporate Finance from Bayes Business School in London, he now works as the Associate Director in Finance Analytics at Ubisoft which he joined after his experience in Financial Controlling at Pernod Ricard.

Hyperactive and curious, Gary has started his artistic journey by attending the night classes of the Ecole du Louvre to learn about arts history – aside of managing his IG account @nagaculture which publishes daily about arts across the globe, and which now gathers a community of over 25.000 followers.

Gary manages (1) exhibitions with Urban Art Galleries, (2) collaborations with brands & businesses, and (3) the overall administration of the agency.


Street art
Lorie, aka La Güerita, has been flourishing through the combination of her two passions, the Mexican culture and the street art movement.

Holder of a Master in Project Engineering with Latin America, she wrote her thesis about Muralism in Mexico.

She now lives half the year in France and the other half in Mexico – cumulating experiences in both regions. She developed her expertise in the street art and more generally art field when working at the Latinograff Festival in Toulouse, the Art Tak Festival in Bergerac, the WAD Agency in Cholula and the Art Branding Mercarte Agency in Mexico City.

La Güerita oversees street art related projects, working with Festivals and Cities.


Tatiana grew up in Colombia before crossing the Atlantic to emancipate herself in France. She respectively graduated with a Master in Education Sciences and a Master in Language Sciences.

She materialized her strong academic background with teaching experiences at the British Council, Smart Academia de Idiomas and Synalis.

Tatiana brings her passion for education and its impact on developing people and oversees all related projects – collaborating with schools/universities and institutes to organize conferences, ateliers and open tables with our artists. The objective being to share their creative process, artistic adventures as well as their social involvements to cultivate and educate the audience.


Born and raised in Mexico, Fernando moved to France to pursue his academic journey - holding now a MBA in Arts & Cultural Administration and Management from IESA.

Currently working at Sotheby’s, he has nourished his expertness along his experience in France and the US at the prestigious Galerie Olivier Waltman and Artitive, respectively.

Founder of Rosso-Indigo Arte - specialized in Mexican contemporary art - Fernando will expand his activity across Latin America and represent our artists for projects and exhibitions with contemporary art galleries and museums.


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