Clovis Camargo

Exhibited in Brazil & Spain

At ease with the brush and the pencil since his early childhood, Clovis Camargo first graduated in Industrial Design from the Armando Alvares Penteado Fundation (FAAP) in São Paulo. Naturally he pursued his career within a creative field - as a product designer and within visual communication. Though the call of dedicating his full time to his own art ended up convincing him to take the plunge.

Clovis Camargo focuses his art on the "human being" and his introspection - leading the audience to face their own solitude and unveil their hidden emotions and thoughts. His paintings depict emotionless figures which sensation of silence awakes all the noise hidden within our being. Though Clovis Camargo does not abandon his audience in their emotions, his figures are accompanied with subtle elements implicitly guiding them toward powerful and positive thoughts.

Clovis Camargo is a romantic and intends to cultivate his creations with sensibility and poetry - the discomfort turns into peace and tranquility.

Her creations open a world of various aesthetics - balancing complexity and simplicity, exploring a spiritual connection with elements such as metaphysics, cosmology and science. No wonder if her paintings connect an architectural and intellectual side with a mad, unexpected and free aspect.

Exhibited works

    Group - Dias de Reclusão Project - ZIV Gallery, Beco do Batman - São Paulo (2021)
    Virtual - Perdas e Ganhos - Sinap-Esp/AIAP - São Paulo (2020)
    Group - Salão de Arte - Galeria de Arte Imaginarte - Barcelona, Spain (2020)
    Solo - Refúgio - Restaurant JAM- Japanese Art Music - São Paulo (2020)
    Group - 10th ExpoArte Sp - Feira de Artistas Independentes - São Paulo (2019)
    Group - Salão de Arte "Olhar" - Assembléia Legistativa de São Paulo, Cia. De Arte e Cultura (2019)
    Solo - Refúgio - Restaurant JAM- Japanese Art Music - São Paulo (2019)
    Group - 3rd Edition Expo Arte - São Paulo (2019)
    Group - II Mostra - Galeria Arte Pamplona - 5th Edition Expo Arte - São Paulo (2019)
    Group - O Imaginário e o Concreto - Andreus Galeria - São Paulo (2018)
    Solo - ...Reflexivo... - Line of Culture Metro Station- Santa Cecília metro station - São Paulo (2018)
    Group - Toda Expressão - Hotel Mercure Pinheiros - ArtLab Gallery - São Paulo (2017)
    Group - Intersecções - Art Lab Gallery - São Paulo (2017)


    Honorable mention - Artistas Plásticos de Santo Amaro (2001)
    2nd Place - Art Collective by Galeria Arte Pamplona (2019)
    1st Prize - Salão de Arte "Olhar " - Assembléia Legistativa de São Paulo, Cia. De Arte e Cultura (2019)


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