Ramonn Vieitez

Exhibited in Brazil & USA

Ramonn Vieitez invites his audience to an enigmatic journey across the search of identity. How the being evolves in an atmosphere where melancholy and violence cohabitate. How the individual builds himself within an environment in constant evolution and defined by its uncertainties. He understands the phases of self-construction – their discoveries and the transformations they lead to.

Depicting his figures in natural spaces or at the heart of the urban life, Ramonn Vieitez adds surreal and mythological elements to create theatrical scenes emphasizing our emotions. Those emotions he aims to trigger to claim the necessity of changing and adapting in a world marked by violence and intolerance.

Ramonn Vieitez is recognizable with his solitary young figures acting in busy areas giving the sensation that something has or is about to happen - unveiling his audience' introspective nature and imagination. Fascinated by the strength of beauty and youth as well as the power of silence, he provokes the public to feel their inner violence, fears and rejection of time.

As a Queer artist in a society which still struggles to accept all forms of love, Ramon Vieitez is legitimate to combine sweetness and violence, nuance silence with noise and create solitude in a rich environment.

Exhibited works

    Atelier Sanitario, Rio de Janeiro
    Galeria Amparo, Recife
    Museu de Arte do Rio (MAR)
    Galeria Belvedere, Paraty
    Gallery U, New Jersey
    Centro Cultural Correios, Recife
    Galeria Marco Zero, Recife
    Baró Galeria, São Paulo
    Instituto de Arte Contemporânea, Recife
    Centro Cultural UNESC, Criciúma
    Casa de Cultura da America Latina, Brasilia
    Galeria Baró Galpão, São Paulo
    Escuela Superior del Ejercito del Peru, Lima
    Galeria Portas Vilaseca, Rio de Janeiro
    Museu de Arte Moderna Do Rio, Rio de Janeiro
    Casa da Cultura de Paraty, Paraty
    Museu do Homem do Nordeste, Recife


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