Inspired by the emergence of the urban movement that took place in São Paulo while growing up – SergioFree has played a key role in the flourishing of graffiti and pixação in the streets of São Paulo.
Observation of what surrounded him in the metropolis - which he discovered after moving from Bahia to São Paulo as a child - led him to create a different work. His paintings present, among other elements, an enigmatic and iconic character, a clown who stands in front of metal walls and doors full of graffiti. It is in these records in which stories are superimposed that the artist creates a kind of personal diary, a complex artistic social network, in which the compositions are articulated in an atmosphere that mixes the dreamlike, through the character, with realism, through the setting, creating a captivating atmosphere.
Sergio Free creates, in his images, the study of the urban universe from the experience of a street artist and skater, in a language full of mystery and lyricism, how the urban, in his scenes, becomes deliriously magical. Through his colorful and lively clown, he awakes our inner child to catalyze the contrast with the difficult street’ reality, marked by a poisonous violence and ubiquitous poverty.