
Exhibited in Brazil, USA

Born in Brazil and grandson of Japanese immigrants, Guilherme Matsumoto, better known as xGuix, has been involved in the graffiti scene since 2007. His universe draws inspiration from his own life - creating a conceptual analogy between the ship that brought his Japanese ancestors to Brazil and the oceans they crossed – often embodied by his iconic fish which inhabits the streets of Brazil and sets the scenes on canvases. Additionally, the artist conveys questions and inspirations by reflecting on topics such as mental health, emotions, and time.

Throughout his career, the artist has undertaken various projects, including live painting at the Lollapalooza Festival, collaboration with major brands among which Converse, Fox Perrier. Often curated to participate in exhibitions and events to showcase his artworks, xGuix has exhibited at the renowned International Biennale of Graffiti Fine Art in 2022.

Exhibited works


    CCR Street Art Pilares • São Paulo
    Faculdade de Comunicação e Artes SENAC • São Paulo


    Pizza com Graffiti
    Amigos da Arte, Arte Urbana SP • São Paulo
    Outlaw Ocean • Ian Urbina • São Paulo
    Bienal Internacional de Graffiti Fine Art • Memorial da América Latina • São Paulo
    Festival Semana Urbana • Poços de Caldas
    Cinzas da Floresta • Curated by Mundano • São Paulo
    A7MA 10 anos • A7MA Gallery • São Paulo
    Fábricas de Graffiti • Rio Claro

Prior to 2022

    Jacuba Graffiti • Hortolandia
    Biblioteca Mário Schenberg • São Paulo
    Festival West Side Gallery • Itapevi
    MAAU • São Paulo
    Projeto 23 de Maio • São Paulo
    Festival Lollapalooza • Chicago
    Meeting of Styles • Porto Alegre
    4KM • FIFA World Cup 2014 • São Paulo
    Yokoso • A7MA Gallery • São Paulo
    In Absens • Câmara Municipal de SBC • São Paulo
    Reciclando com Arte • Luis Maluf Art Gallery • São Paulo
    Inner.Multi Gallery #1 • Oscar Quarante8 Gallery • São Paulo
    Umbrella Parade, Conexao Cultural • MIS • São Paulo
    Grafftela • Fabrica de Cultura Sapopemba • São Paulo
    xGuix • Clash Club • São Paulo
    Carcaça • Clube Praga & Vegas Club • São Paulo
    Arte Urbana • Lab Club • São Paulo
    Graffiti Writers – Sketchbook • Casa Galeria & Abre Aspas • Curitiba
    Teto & Tinto • Espaço Cultura Kabul • São Paulo
    Expoartsk8 • Urban Lounge • São Paulo

Commercial collaborations

    Learning Village
    Aquario Municipal de Santos
    Cirque du Soleil
    Fox Films
    Itau Cinema
    TV Globo


Street Art
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