CLOVIS CAMARGO – Se Pudesse Ouvir o Olhar

By NAGA Collectivo on 25.10.22

CLOVIS CAMARGO presents a rich series of figurative paintings through his new exhibition at the Centro Cultural Correios in Sao Paulo from October 25th to November 25th.

No better way to define Clovis’s work than through the words of Oscar D’Ambrósio, Doctor in Education, Art & Cultural History, and renowned South American art critic:

“The pictures created by Clovis Camargo form a sort of panel of the society and highlight the soul of the portrayed. One of his merits has been in managing to balance each composition between its main protagonist and his surrounding environment”

This is exactly what characterizes Clovis Camargo, his ability to depict figures whose unusual large eyes invite the audience to an inner reflection, while connecting them fully to their scenery.

Sensitive, Clovis Camargo believes in the depth of the being and his capacity to transmit energies through his senses. One of them being the look – one’s eyes cannot lie as they own a complex language which reveals the truth. While one can lie using words, his eyes will betray him. While one can talk and pretend to hate, his eyes will reveal the love he is trying to hide. Indeed, when we look at each other, we connect – the same way the audience connects with his paintings.

In his way, Clovis Camargo speaks up our inner emotions – without using words!

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